Housing needs reviewed by council

North Lanarkshire Council logo.North Lanarkshire Council logo.
North Lanarkshire Council logo.
North Lanarkshire Council has carried out a third review of the housing allocation policy to ensure they are effectively supporting tenants and targeting those in priority need of housing.

The North Lanarkshire Council housing allocation policy gives priority to those most in need of housing and supports existing tenants to move to another home.

The circumstances and needs of individuals and families are assessed using a point system to determine their place on the housing waiting list.

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And following consultation with tenants, staff, elected members, other interested groups and partner landlords operating the North Lanarkshire Common Housing Register, amendments were recommended to the policy.

These amendments, including promoting mutual exchange between existing tenants and outlining the range of housing options available to them, were approved at a meeting of the local authority’s housing and social work Services committee.