Apple has revealed the new iPhone SE - here's everything you need to know about it

Apple has announced a new iPhone, although unlike other handsets, you wont need quite as many hundreds of pounds or quite as hefty a contract to get your hands on one.

The second generation iPhone SE builds on the blueprints laid down by Apple's last compact phone, released in 2016.

Here's everything you need to know about it:

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What is an iPhone SE?

With Apple touting their mainline range of iPhones, you'd be forgiven for not realising that an 'SE' branded handset even exists.

The original iPhone SE was popular among consumers with a preference for smaller devices, as larger 'phablet' (phone-tablet)-sized handsets became more widely adopted.

Ever since the 4.7-inch iPhone 6, which went on sale in 2014, Apple's iPhone seem to have only increased in six with each new iteration.

While larger phones became the norm for manufacturers, a vocal band of consumers championed small handsets for their ease of use and pocket-friendly size.

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